If you operate a lower-volume business, this option may be the best one for your company. You would simply need to provide us with your documentation once per year. From there, we engage in a thorough review of all your transactions and documentation for the year, input it into our professional accounting software, and prepare a year-end financial statement with a balance sheet. Should your business grow in volume, we can transition you to semi-annual accounting, quarterly accounting, or to monthly accounting.
Some business owners choose to complete their own books during the year but would still desire an accountant to review them, ensuring their accuracy for the maximum tax benefit. You would simply need to bring in your accounting reports or a back up of your accounting data. From there, we would thoroughly examine your data, make or suggest necessary changes, leaving you with the peace of mind before filing your tax return.
Not sure where to get started? Our consulting services range from being able to assist clients before a company’s inception to advising them regarding their day-to-day operations long after a company’s formation. In consulting a company, we are able to professionally recommend how to increase income and reduce overhead expenses. With our valuable relationships with banks, insurance agents, financial planners, attorneys, government agencies, etc., we are able to refer you to where you will receive the best guidance for your business needs at the time.
We specialize in all-sized businesses and have been operating for 25+ years. Our employees are those who have passionately worked long-term in this service field, updating their continuing education credentials each year. With such experience and passion, not only do you receive quality professional advice but also the attention to detail necessary to provide you with accuracy. This is in regards to all of your accounting, tax planning, and tax preparation needs.
We have established long-term relationships with experts in this field to assist you with all financial and estate planning. We would able to place you with the expert that would best match your particular interests and needs. In working collaboratively with others, we can assure you that you would be guided along the best path for you.
When considering a loan, we can assist in gathering the necessary information you would need for securing bank loans. In reviewing your data, we would be able to link you to the bank that would be the best fit for financing your business needs. Given our longstanding relationships with bankers, we could do the inquiring and negotiating for you. We even offer assistance if you or your business is considering re-financing.
For our larger clients and for those who like to closely watch their financial status, we provide monthly accounting services. We enter all accounts payable and receivable transactions along with any necessary adjusting journal entries, and process bank reconciliations, all of which come together to provide the end result of accurate financial statements with a balance sheet. With this service package, our clients receive our professional advice on their business’ inner workings each month and what adjustments could be made to put their business on the most prosperous path possible.
If you are considering starting a business, we have all of the knowledge needed to complete all of the necessary forms to incorporate. We can set up your company with the State Corporation Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the Virginia Department of Taxation, and the Virginia Employment Commission. Not sure that incorporating is for you? We can provide a preliminary view of the differences of your tax liability, helping you to make the decision that is best for you.
We prepare payroll and all payroll tax reports. Since electronically filing payroll taxes online is now mandatory, we can set up your company with federal and state e-filing. Once set up, we are also able to file your payroll tax reports and pay your payroll taxes online for you. We handle all filing frequencies, whether they be semi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly. At the end of the year, we complete your annual filings and your W-2’s. We also have the ability to electronically file your W-2’s.
Taxes can feel like a complex puzzle with countless solutions, but there is only one that provides accuracy and ensures the lowest tax bill. With our dynamic, forward-thinking, dedicated tax preparers, who take continuing education courses each year, we are able to prepare returns for individuals, S-Corps, C-Corps, LLC’s, Trusts, Estates, and Non-Profits, with the experience that you can trust. Our tax service extends to preparing returns for all 50 states.
We offer tax planning throughout the year, knowing that our clients’ situations may change at any moment. We are able to thoroughly examine your particular situation, planning for your current and subsequent tax year. We go the extra mile to ensure that you receive every possible tax break and that we are minimizing your overall tax liability. Our services even include completing estimated taxes, up to every quarter for you, if necessary. For some of our clients, it could be a matter of changing their payroll and/or their payroll taxes. Either way, we determine the appropriate action for each client’s unique situation.
We provide many more services than those listed. Some include renewing your annual business license and filing your tangible personal property tax reports. We also file sales tax with the City and with the state agencies. We can even process 1099’s for your subcontractors. Many of our clients have us complete their annual insurance audits. Our staff is also capable of writing letters to government agencies on your behalf. Feel free to contact us today to see how else we may serve you and your business.